Reading List

Jørgen Veisdal
1 min readFeb 15, 2020

Church, A. (1936). An Unsolvable Problem of Elementary Number Theory. Journal of Mathematics 58 (2). pp. 345–363.

Copeland, BJ., Posy, CJ., Shagrir, O. (2013). Computability. Turing, Gödel, Church, and Beyond. MIT.

Cox, D. (2014). The Imitation Game: how Alan Turing played dumb to fool US intelligence. The Guardian.

Daley, J. (2017). New Letters Show Alan Turing Wasn’t a Fan of the U.S.A. Smithsonian Magazine.

Dyson, G. (2012). Turing’s Cathedral. The Origins of the Digital Universe. Pantheon Books. New York, NY.

Hodges, A. (2014). Alan Turing: The Enigma. Princeton University Press

Soare, R. I. (2015). Interactive Computing and Relativized Computability in Computability by Copeland et al (2015).

Turing, A. (1936). On computable numbers, with an application to the Entscheidungsproblem. Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society 42.

Welch, P.D. (2010). Turing’s Mathematical Work.

Zitarelli, D. (2015). Alan Turing in America



Jørgen Veisdal
Jørgen Veisdal

Written by Jørgen Veisdal

Editor-in-Chief at Cantor’s Paradise. Writer at

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