Reading List
Crevier, Daniel. (1993). AI: The Tumultuous History of the Search for Artificial Intelligence. Basic Books
McCarthy, J., Minsky, M.L., Rochester, N. and Shannon, C.E. (1955). A Proposal for the Dartmouth Summer Research Project on Artificial Intelligence. Reprinted in AI Magazine Volume 27, Number 4 pp. 12–14
McCormack, Pamela. (1979). Machines Who Think. A.K. Peters.
Moor, James (2006). The Dartmouth College Artificial Intelligence Conference: The Next Fifty Years. AI Magazine 27 (4). pp. 87–91.
Nasar, Sylvia (1998). A Beautiful Mind. Simon & Schuster.
Simon, H.A. (1997). Allen Newell in Biographical Memoirs 71. National Academy of Sciences, Washington D.C. pp. 141–174.